I have worked part-time in the bhotel/b in the village since 1980, and during the last few years, when Mark and Susan became adults, I studied with the Open University and gained an BSc(Hons)IT & Computing, and later gained my PGCE with Sunderland ... I was born in Wolsingham and moved to bIreshopeburn/b in 1969. My dad's maternal ancestors came from Upper Weardale, the Elliotts, and tracing further back are Pearts from Rush near Cowshill and Emmersons from Wham near Wearhead . ...
The Backhouse family lived in Wolsingham from the 1800s, at the St John?s bEstate/b, and William Backhouse in particular developed 160 different varieties of daffodil. June Crosby of the Weardale Society, said: ?We like to arrange events b.../b? The day was a way of celebrating the return of the Weardale perfection, and the hard work that has gone into its revival and we would like to say a big thank you to John Backhouse from bIreshopeburn/b, who has done a lot of work to bring b.../b
The Backhouse family lived in Wolsingham from the 1800s, at the St John?s bEstate/b, and William Backhouse in particular developed 160 different varieties of daffodil. June Crosby of the Weardale Society, said: ?We like to arrange events b.../b? The day was a way of celebrating the return of the Weardale perfection, and the hard work that has gone into its revival and we would like to say a big thank you to John Backhouse from bIreshopeburn/b, who has done a lot of work to bring b.../b